Health24.01.2023 - 17:22

Specialists have named 4 foods that must be eaten once a week

These are nuts, avocados, spinach and hot chocolate.

Фото: from open sources

Experts told what foods should be eaten at least once a week. This was reported by Foreign Media.

Spinach contains few calories and many vitamins and minerals. Green leaves should be eaten once a week.

Nuts will give the body fiber, fatty acids and minerals. Fiber is good for digestion because it helps keep you full.

Avocados contain a lot of healthy fats. It can be added to salads and eaten alone. Avocados help reduce cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease.

It is obligatory to consume hot chocolate once a week. The drink contains flavonols, they protect against ultraviolet radiation. In addition, it improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.
