Sugar, which we commonly call sucrose, comes from sugar beets or sugar cane and is used to make edible sugar.
As endocrinologist and nutritionist Victoria Sadovskaya noted to Vechernyaya Moskva, sucrose is a disaccharide consisting of glucose and fructose, which are broken down into these components in the intestine and absorbed into the bloodstream.
Regardless of the type of sugar - refined, cane or syrup (such as maple sugar), it is still eventually converted into glucose. The specialist emphasized that it is impossible to single out the most useful among them, since sugar retains its properties regardless of its origin.
Fructose, found in ready-made products, according to Sadovskaya, practically does not differ in its characteristics from ordinary glucose and is considered added sugar, which should be limited. However, fruits and vegetables, natural sources of fructose, are recommended to be added to the diet. They are high in fiber, vitamins and micronutrients that are good for the body.
The nutritionist warned against marketing gimmicks in products labeled "sugar-free" but containing fructose, which is in fact sugar but called by a different name. She also noted that moderate sugar consumption, up to 10 percent of the daily dose, has no negative effects on the human body.
Sadovskaya recommends favoring natural sources of sugar, such as fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
Recall that earlier the nutritionist told how to instill in a child a love for vegetables.