Health23.11.2021 - 13:30

Sugary drinks consumption can age the brain by 5-11 years

Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine have reported the dangers of excessive consumption of sugary drinks. In particular, sugar contributes to premature aging of the human brain.

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According to the Daily Express newspaper, scientists conducted a study involving 4.2 thousand people. In the course of the work, the respondents periodically took tests for the level of cognitive functions and memory.

In particular, the study participants talked about how often they consume sugary drinks. Scientists recorded these messages, and then correlated with the amount of sugar consumed and health status.

If a person drank 1-2 glasses of a sugary drink every day, their brain aged 5.8 years, and if they drank more than two glasses, it aged 11 years. Among lovers of sugary drinks, memory function deterioration and a decrease in brain volume were noticeable.

Sudha Seshadri, professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, believes the results are not definitive, but convincing enough. In particular, substituting artificial sweeteners for sugar doesn't help.

Doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov previously said that the use of sugary drinks can lead to the development of cancer. Besides, sugary drinks provoke the development of diabetes and obesity.

