Often in winter, people gain a few extra pounds. There are several reasons why it is in the cold weather to reach for a bun and gain extra centimeters in the waist.
In winter, people are more likely to give up walking in favor of public transportation or cabs. Reduced physical activity contributes to fat accumulation. The arithmetic is simple: the same amount of calories remains, but exercise becomes less. The excess goes into surplus and, consequently, into plus on the scale, reports NVL.
The cold and snow don't help boost your mood. And stress at work or problems in one's personal life can make things worse. A person cannot please himself and begins to raise serotonin with food. Sugar helps to produce the hormone of joy. An abundance of fast carbohydrates in the diet will immediately lead to weight gain.
The third cause of weight gain is a lack of sunshine. Lack of vitamin D reduces the production of leptin, which produces fatty tissue. This causes a loss of hunger, a person does not feel satiated and begins to eat more.
To maintain slimness in the winter period it is necessary to exercise. Physical activity will help to lift your mood and consume calories. It is also necessary to observe the water balance and proper nutrition, to diversify the diet with fiber, add protein and slow carbohydrates - cereals and whole grain bread.