Health18.07.2024 - 14:43

Russia is preparing to test a flu and coronavirus vaccine on humans

The tests of the vaccine, which will involve hundreds of people, will be conducted in two phases, which will show its effectiveness. This drug, if successful, will save the Ministry of Health money and minimize damage to the economy from epidemics.


The Russian Ministry of Health has issued an authorization to conduct clinical trials of a combined influenza and coronavirus vaccine. The drug is called Ultrix Combi.

The trials will take place in two phases, in which 370 volunteers will take part. These tests should show the degree of safety, immunogenicity and tolerability of the vaccine. Similar animal trials have been completed successfully.

Director General of Natsimbio, which is developing the drug, Andrei Zagorsky said that epidemics of coronavirus and influenza damage not only the health of the population, but also the economy of the country. And this is one of the challenges facing public health.

In addition, successful tests of this vaccine will significantly reduce the cost of seasonal influenza vaccination, as now there will be one common preparation for it and COVID.

Meanwhile, clinical trials of an HIV vaccine that provides full immunity from the disease have been completed in the United States.

Earlier it was reported that scientists from China have found a more effective substitute for antibiotics.
