Health17.07.2024 - 11:12

Scientists from the UK and the US have moved closer to curing pancreatic cancer

This type of cancer is the 12th most common cancer, but only 20% of those who get the disease survive. The discovery could pave the way for a cure.

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American and British scientists have achieved a major breakthrough in the study of DNA that could lead to a victory over one of the deadliest cancers - pancreatic cancer. It is one of the most common, and yet patients with it are the least likely to survive.

It turned out that this type of cancer can block the work of one of the key genes of the body, than accelerates its own development. The discovery, reported by The Guardian, has brought scientists closer to the emergence of effective means of its treatment in the future.

Chinese scientists have revealed which foods help to avoid cancer in old age.

American scientists have named carrots one of the means of cancer prevention.
