Health14.02.2022 - 10:11

Dietitian Ginzburg urges to give up fried meat and cold drinks during the covid pandemic

Dietitian, Doctor of Medical Sciences Mikhail Ginzburg named foods that are not recommended during the coronavirus pandemic.

Фото: from open sources

Ginzburg spoke about the forbidden food in a conversation with In particular, he believes that you should not eat sugar-rich foods and fried meat at this time.

In addition, you should not drink cold drinks, including milk and sour-milk drinks, which may be in the refrigerator.

The nutritionist urges not to use them in the diet, and pay attention to their physical properties.

But what should be included in the menu, then, according to the expert, it should be food containing vitamin D. It stimulates the immune system and increases tissue resistance. These products include sea fish, cod liver, eggs and milk.
