Surgeons at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi in India performed a complex operation to remove a tumour from the abdomen of a 77-year-old man.
The tumour occupied 85% of the abdominal cavity and was compressing almost all internal organs. Sauvitra Ramat, the patient's attending physician, said that the tumour weighed 14 kg and measured 75x45 cm. The specialist stressed that this is one of the largest tumours ever extracted from the abdominal cavity.
The Times of India specified that the operation lasted six hours. After the tumour was removed, an examination was carried out, which confirmed the doctors' fears. The tumour turned out to be malignant. The patient was diagnosed with liposarcoma. This is a tumour that develops in fatty tissues.
And in Saratov, a pensioner had a 20x25 cm adrenal tumour removed.