Health08.12.2021 - 17:04

Nutritionist Courtney D'Angelo: Coffee May Help Improve Liver Health

Coffee prevents liver scarring and reduces the risk of cirrhosis and other organ diseases.

Фото: Skin

According to nutritionist Courtney D'Angelo in an article for Eat This, Not That, coffee can improve liver health and help prevent liver disease.

According to the expert, the benefits of drinking coffee have been confirmed by many studies that have shown that the drink helps to reduce the likelihood of developing cirrhosis of the liver, and also protects the body from fatty hepatosis or obesity.

According to a nutritionist, coffee contains enzymes that can reduce liver fat and increase protective antioxidants. Also, these substances are able to prevent damage to cells.

The specialist noted that sweets can disrupt the functioning of the liver, so it is better to drink coffee without sweet cream or sugar.
