Health08.02.2024 - 11:46

Rospotrebnadzor assessed the situation with the spread of measles as calm

The measles situation in Russia is calm, Rospotrebnadzor said.

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Rospotrebnadzor told RIA Novosti that the measles situation in Russia is currently calm.

According to the agency's data, sporadic cases of measles are now recorded in Russia, mainly due to unvaccinated citizens, including those arriving from neighbouring countries. In addition, small group outbreaks have been registered among citizens who are not vaccinated due to confessional or other beliefs, or who lead a nomadic lifestyle and do not seek medical assistance.

Rises in measles incidence occur every 4-6 years, which is what happened last year after the restrictions imposed because of COVID-19. In this regard, when comparing the statistics of previous years, there was an obvious increase, specified in the press service of the supervisory authority.

In 2023, the health care system and Rospotrebnadzor coped with the spread of the disease thanks to anti-epidemic measures and a sufficient amount of vaccine.

Immunisation was held in all Russian regions to strengthen collective immunity against measles, according to the results of which more than 80% of Russians were vaccinated from the number of those subject to immunisation, Rospotrebnadzor said.

The agency added that the immune layer is currently high enough, but the regions are recommended to carry out immunisation according to epidemiological indications.

Employees of Rospotrebnadzor on a permanent basis carry out active work with the population to strengthen adherence to immunisation, as well as information and awareness-raising work on prevention and rules of personal hygiene.

At the moment, the measles situation in Russia is calm and under constant control of Rospotrebnadzor.
