Health08.01.2022 - 19:25

British Liver Trust Doctors Name Five Top Symptoms of Alcohol Liver Damage

Фото: Ahileos

Specialists from the British organization British Liver Trust reported symptoms signaling liver problems due to alcohol at an early stage, doctors named five such signs, Medic Forum reports.

Liver problems can disrupt up to 500 vital functions of the body, as this organ is responsible for neutralizing and eliminating toxins. With each new filtration of alcohol, some of the liver cells "die". To give the body time to regenerate, experts recommend taking breaks between drinking.

The main signs of alcohol-related liver problems are feeling unwell, fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and loss of appetite due to nausea. Drinking large amounts of alcohol over the course of several years can significantly reduce the liver's ability to regenerate, which can further lead to irreversible organ damage.
