Health02.09.2024 - 15:30

Revolutionary drug to fight hypertension has emerged

GMRX2, which contains telmisartan, amlodipine and indapamide, was tested in Nigeria. The trial was designed for six months, but the first impressive results appeared after one month.

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A recent study published in the journal JAMA has shown that a combination of three substances contained in the drug GMRX2 is significantly superior to traditional drugs in the fight against hypertension. Participants in the scientific experiment from Nigeria, were divided into two groups, each taking different dosages of the drug.

Observation of the patients lasted six months. During this time, part of them used the drug daily, and the second group, as is customary in Nigeria and many other countries, gradually increased the dosage from one to three.

As a result, systolic blood pressure decreased more strongly in those who took all three substances together. Moreover, 80% of patients were able to reach target levels of pressure after just one month of therapy, while in the group that followed the traditional approach, this figure was only 55%.

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