After the start of the special operation in Ukraine, Japanese entrepreneurs began massively to curtail their activities in Russia. However, in June, only three companies reported such a decision.
The report of the statistical center Teikoku Databank informs that the process of Japanese business withdrawal from the Russian market may have stopped completely or significantly slowed down.
In particular, in spring, from March to April, the number of large Japanese companies that wished to break off partner relations with Russia was 60 out of 168. But in May only 11 companies decided to do the same, and in June - only 3.
The report also noted that the owners of large Japanese companies have become cautious with the departure, as it will be difficult to find other sources of supply of liquefied natural gas and rare earth metals.
In addition, Japanese businessmen have serious concerns that once they leave the Russian market, it will be very difficult to come back.