Economy27.10.2021 - 09:57

Bloomberg: Russia may cut gas prices for Europe to keep contracts

In the long term, Russia could reduce the price of gas for Europe by 60%. An article with relevant content appeared in Bloomberg.

The publication refers to two sources that have data on Russian energy policy. The publication says that the protracted gas rally may reduce the demand for supplies from Gazprom.

Today the cost of one thousand cubic meters of gas on the London ICE exchange is $ 1,090. According to Bloomberg, the Russian side could reduce the cost of gas to the level of $ 200-400 per thousand cubic meters.

We also recall that by the first days of October, natural gas futures in Europe during the day rose in price to $ 1,500 per thousand cubic meters, and on October 6, a peak was recorded at $ 1,900 per thousand cubic meters. 

Photo: from open sources
