Economy27.07.2022 - 11:07

Gas prices in Europe jump above $2,000 for the first time since early March

Earlier, Gazprom announced that starting July 27, another Siemens gas turbine engine will be shut down at the Portovaya compressor station.

Фото: from open sources

Gas prices, according to the London-based ICE exchange, have exceeded $2,000 per thousand cubic meters for the first time since the beginning of March, due to which the price of the nearest, August gas futures increased by 9.3% to 193 per MWh, or $2067 per thousand cubic meters.

It should be recalled Gazprom also announced earlier that starting July 27, another Siemens gas turbine engine will stop operating at the Portovaya compressor station, due to which the gas pumping level will more than halve - from the current 67 million cubic meters to no more than 33 million cubic meters per day. This is only 40% of the planned volume of 167 million cubic meters, which is usually consumed by Europe.

But this is not the maximum price for the blue fuel, which was fixed on the exchange in London. In March, the record price of gas on the ICE exchange reached the mark of $ 3900 amid the special military operation in Ukraine. At that time, the European Commission feared that due to these events, the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine could stop.


