Economy25.12.2023 - 09:48

The state managed to earn almost 29 billion rubles on privatization against the plan of 1.8 billion

Rosimushchestvo has released data on revenues from privatization of state property in 2023.


They managed to sell it for the amount of 28.9 billion rubles. At the same time, the state planned such revenues to the budget in the outgoing year only in the amount of 1.8 billion.

Vitaly Aristarkhov, head of investment consulting and valuation department of FinExpertiza network, attributed such successes of Rosimushchestvo to the sale of the company Phoenix, which manages the port of Bronka in St. Petersburg. The company Kuchuksulfate (Altai Territory) was also sold. Both deals brought more than 10 billion rubles each to the Russian budget, Izvestia reports.

At the same time, economist Andrei Masterov noted that large-scale privatization measures will not solve the problems of the Russian economy in the conditions of sanctions. One of the reasons is the depreciation of fixed assets in the main industries, which exceeds 50%.

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov said that the government has prepared a list of 30 enterprises that the state can privatize without losing control over them. Herman Gref said that Sberbank could be partially privatized.
