Economy25.06.2024 - 11:34

Freelancers' incomes have risen sharply in Russia

Their average earnings amounted to 54 thousand rubles in January-May.


The income of freelancers in Russia increased in January-May this year. The growth amounted to 22.7% compared to last year, up to 54 thousand rubles. Since the beginning of the special operation, the figure has more than doubled. Data "Gazeta.Ru" provided the service for safe transactions with freelancers Solar Staff.

Freelance specialists who work in the tax status of IE receive the most per month - up to 307 thousand rubles per month. The average income of individuals and self-employed for five months of this year amounted to 36 thousand rubles and 73 thousand rubles, respectively.

General Director of Solar Staff Vladimir Koritsky explained that the performers, who work as individuals, have a higher income than the self-employed. In January-May, the volume of payments to the self-employed was higher, as companies cooperated with them more often.

The share of Russian freelancers who are abroad amounted to 2.3% of the total number of employees in January-March this year. In October-December 2023, it was equal to 3.3%.

Earlier wrote how to become self-employed and that there is a single rate of personal income tax for remote employees and freelancers.

