Economy24.01.2024 - 21:49

Crypto firm Nexo demanded $3 billion in damages from Bulgaria

Earlier, the Bulgarian prosecutor's office investigated the company. But closed the case.

Фото: from open sources

Cryptocurrency platform Nexo demands that the Bulgarian authorities return to it 3 billion dollars in damages. This was reported by Reuters.

The demand is due to the fact that the criminal investigation, which thwarted the company's plans to enter the US stock market and a sponsorship deal for soccer, Nexo explained.

In January last year, Bulgarian prosecutors launched an investigation into crypto platform Nexo AG. The firm's offices in Sofia were searched. The company's founders were accused of money laundering and violating anti-Russian sanctions.

The case was closed in December 2023. Nexo said the investigation had badly affected the company's reputation and destroyed shareholder value. The crypto firm filed a lawsuit with the Ministry of Finance and the Prosecutor's Office of Bulgaria.

Earlier it was reported that in Russia closed a record low number of companies in 2023.

By the way, India again buys pork from Russia.
