In Russia, potatoes of the new harvest lost 27% of their price by the end of August. As a result, the cost of one kilogram was fixed at 19 rubles.
According to Vedomosti with reference to the report of the Potato Union of Russia, a year ago the price of potatoes averaged 36 rubles per 1 kg.
Experts analyzed the wholesale cost of unwashed root crops offered by retailers in 25 kg nets. It turned out that against the background of lower prices at wholesalers, potatoes are getting cheaper in retail.
Speaking about the reasons for this, experts say that the main reason for the decline in prices was a good harvest of potatoes. As noted, the surplus of root crops has been recorded in almost all Russian regions, except for the Far East. Thus, earlier it was reported that in Crimea it is planned to harvest more than 68 thousand tons of potatoes.
Another problem is that there are so many potatoes that agrarians are massively reporting a shortage of vegetable storage facilities.