Economy20.12.2022 - 17:21

UN Secretary General Guterres: Wheat exports from Russia have tripled

However, he did not explain for what period of time these figures were given.

Фото: from open sources

During a press conference, the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, reported that Russian exports of wheat had tripled. According to him, only 14m tonnes of grain, as well as other foodstuffs, were exported from port docks in Ukraine.

It is noted that Secretary General Gutteres did not specify for how long the Russian export had increased. He also did not report on the total amount of wheat exported from Russia.

It is known that Western sanctions do not apply to the supply of Russian grain and fertilizers, but Washington and Brussels impede exports.

Earlier, the UN Secretary General said that he did not see any prospects for Russian-Ukrainian negotiations in the near future.
