Economy20.02.2024 - 11:44

Russians ranked second in number of tourists in Egypt in 2023

Earlier, Egypt's Deputy Minister of Tourism, Ghada Shalaby said the country plans to attract 30 million tourists by 2028. Tourism plays an important role in the country's economy.


About 1.5 million Russians visited Egypt last year. They became the second in the number of foreign tourists in the country by the end of 2023. The Minister of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt Ahmed Isa told RIA Novosti.

The Minister said that the Egyptian authorities are creating programmes for joint marketing, which are available to local tour companies and foreign, including Russian.

Earlier, the country's Deputy Minister of Tourism Ghada Shalyabi said that Egypt plans to reach the mark of 30 million tourists in 2028.

Tourism is one of the main sources of replenishment of Egypt's treasury. The country's authorities plan to increase profits from it up to $ 30 billion a year.

Earlier it was written that it became cheaper to holiday in Egypt.
