Economy17.06.2024 - 10:41

Spain started buying iron and steel from Russia again after a break

Spain has resumed imports of steel iron from Russia after a 3-month pause, the European Union's statistics office said.

Фото: from open sources

In December, Madrid stopped regular purchases of Russian iron and steel. In April, the process resumed - 21.3 thousand tons of the mentioned metals were exported to Spain. The total value of the goods is 8 million euros, RIA "Novosti" reports.

The country also increased supplies of aluminum and titanium from Russia. Imports of the former increased to €13 million, and the latter - to €1.5 million. The indicators increased by 1.5 and 1.9 times compared to the previous results.

However, mutual trade between Moscow and Madrid decreased by 14% in mid-spring. The countries purchased goods for €248 million, of which 177.2 million come from Russian exports.

Recall that the economist estimated the time of adaptation of the Russian Federation to the new sanctions. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation can ensure stability in all markets.
