Economy15.07.2024 - 11:21

Pork and chicken prices are falling in Russia

In Russia, pork and chicken prices are falling and these types of meat cost almost the same. Pork has become 5% cheaper since the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Agriculture reported, while chicken has become almost 2% cheaper.


At the beginning of summer, the wholesale price for a kilogram of pork was 171 rubles, and for chicken meat - 162 rubles. Russia has reached self-sufficiency in pork. Chicken imports remain after a deficit last year.

Vyacheslav Cheglov, professor of the basic department of trade policy at the Plekhanov Russian Economic University, explained to the Prime news agency that the reason is market consolidation. According to him, it is managed by holdings that keep prices down. Their products are sold in chain stores, the expert said.

Thus, large market players raise and lower prices for products at the same time. This is especially noticeable with chicken.

The competition is higher on the pork market, as it is still developing. Cheglov predicted a change in the situation with the return of seasonal demand and further consolidation.

Earlier it was written that in Russia wholesale prices for pork fell by 7-12% and equaled the wholesale cost of chicken meat.

By the way, in China began to grow pig and chicken cells on the surface of rice grains. Rice has an ordinary shape at first sight, but during heat treatment it begins to smell of meat.


