Economy15.01.2024 - 18:09

Experts explained why clothing prices have risen by 80%

The industry is also short-handed.

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By the end of December, experts noted an increase in clothing prices in Russia by 80%. The reason for this phenomenon was not only the wide development of domestic brands after the introduction of sanctions, but also a significant increase in the costs of production and promotion of goods, writes "Vechernaya Moskva".

Despite the success of Russian brands, the prices for their products exceed the "pre-sanctions" indicators of their competitors by about 1.5 times, especially in the mass-market segment. The rise in cost is due to the increase in the brands' retail space, higher costs of production, rent of premises and purchase of materials in countries such as Turkey and Europe.

Analyst Daniil Kashin explains that brands are facing increased competition by increasing their advertising budgets and overall costs. However, it is still possible to find goods at "pre-sanctions" prices at the current sales actively held in large stores.

The expert also notes that many people prefer to buy goods on online marketplaces, where prices for well-known brands are more democratic thanks to promo codes and discounts. On average, prices on such marketplaces can be 15-20 percent lower than in offline stores.

At the same time, market experts say that this year the situation may stabilize and prices will level off, given that the sanctions blow has already passed. However, there may still be fluctuations in the premium segment of clothing, as this is one of the poorly filled niches in the market.

Earlier, the expert estimated how the cost of education in universities will change in 2024, and it became known that banks will start to fine for imposed services.
