Economy12.06.2024 - 12:03

More clothes on the Russian market

In April, the cost of labeled products in the segment fell 4% year-on-year. Sellers are unable to raise prices for apparel in the face of growing competition.


On the Russian apparel market, supply grew by more than 24% over the year due to new domestic and foreign brands. This affects average prices. Kommersant wrote about it.

The cost of labeled products in this segment decreased by 4% in April year-on-year. Sellers cannot raise prices due to growing competition, as they immediately face a drop in sales.

On average, seven labeled clothing items cost Br4.6 thousand in April. The price decreased by 4.1% compared to 2023.

In January-April, the price decrease was less noticeable - 2.8%. In April, down jackets became significantly cheaper - by 24-26%, down to Br5.9 thousand and Br8.1 thousand in January-April.

Coats could be bought for Br6.5 thousand in April (minus 6.7%), blouses - up to Br1.1 thousand (by 6.6%).

According to “Kommersant,” the trend emerged against the background of supply growth. In January-April, the volume of supplies and production of labeled items increased to Br28.2 million (by 24.1%). Imports amounted to Br16.2 million (+21.2%), production volume - Br10.2 million (+23.2%).

Earlier it was reported how food prices will change in July.

By the way, remote sales of medicines have increased sharply in Russia.
