Economy12.03.2024 - 10:48

Dairy product labeling brought 57.4 billion rubles to the Russian budget

Dairy products in Russia began to be labeled on June 1, 2021 in the categories of ice cream and cheese.


The labeling of dairy products has brought 57.4 billion rubles to the Russian budget. In addition, the whitening of the market is noticeable, the operator of the labeling system "Honest Mark" - the Center for Development of Advanced Technologies (CDAT) told RIA Novosti.

It is estimated on the dynamics of production and import, and amounted to 17%. In addition, the quality of dairy products has improved. The number of goods with authentic documents has increased up to 75%.

Dairy products in Russia began to be labeled on June 1, 2021 in the categories of ice cream and cheese. It became mandatory for products with a shelf life of more than 40 days from September 1, 2021, and from December 1 - for goods with a shelf life of 40 days or less.

Marking of farm dairy will become mandatory from September 1 this year.

Earlier we wrote how in Russia to learn everything about dairy products with the help of a mobile application "Honest sign".


