Economy04.07.2024 - 10:53

Experts explained why fruits and vegetables are becoming more expensive in Russia

In Russia, there is a continuing rise in prices for vegetables at retail, despite the start of the season of new supplies. This is reported by Rusprodsoyuz, an association of producers and suppliers of food products.

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Since the beginning of the year, prices for beets have increased by 92.3% to 70 rubles per kilogram, for carrots - by 62.8% to 70 rubles per kilogram, and for apples - by 30% to 159.8 rubles per kilogram, Izvestia writes "with reference to the Association.

These data are consistent with official statistics from Rosstat, which also notes a significant increase in prices for other vegetable crops, such as potatoes (by 82.4%) and cabbage (by 35%), as well as onions (by 32%).

The Expert Analytical Center for Agribusiness (AB-Center) notes that since the beginning of this year, the largest increase in retail prices has been recorded for beets (+60%), potatoes (+40.9%), apples (+42.4%) and cabbage (+16%). At the same time, prices for carrots increased by only 0.2%, and prices for onions decreased by 26%.

Rusprodsoyuz also pointed to a decrease in wholesale prices for vegetables, which is associated with an increase in the supply of the new crop. For example, the average wholesale price for carrots decreased by 3.2% over the week and by 8.7% over the month, and for table beets - by 13.4% over the week and by 26.8% over the month. Experts expressed hope that the situation on the vegetable market will continue to improve with the arrival of new supplies.

However, the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (CMACF) expressed concern about rising prices for fruits and vegetables. Their analytical note emphasizes that the accelerated rise in prices for vegetables and fruits has become one of the main reasons for the jump in inflation in Russia.

The CMACP notes that with the advent of the new harvest, which is expected by the end of July - beginning of August, a seasonal decline in prices for fruits and vegetables can be expected. However, in the long term, it is necessary to solve fundamental problems, such as the lack of storage capacity, the lack of a crop insurance system and the need to develop greenhouse farming, says the author of the analytical note, head of the analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic processes at CMACP Dmitry Belousov.

Earlier, the economist explained that Russia’s recognition as a high-income country, as well as payment difficulties in cross-border trade, have reduced the product range of Russian marketplaces.

S nachala goda tseny na sveklu vyrosli na 92,3% do 70 rubley za kilogramm, na morkov' — na 62,8% do 70 rubley za kilogramm, a na yabloki — na 30% do 159,8 rubley za kilogramm, pishut «Izvestiya» so ssylkoy na Assotsiatsiyu. Eti dannyye soglasuyutsya s ofitsial'noy statistikoy Rosstata, kotoryy takzhe otmechayet znachitel'noye udorozhaniye drugikh ovoshchnykh kul'tur, takikh kak kartofel' (na 82,4%) i kapusta (na 35%), a takzhe luk (na 32%). V ekspertno-analiticheskom tsentre agrobiznesa (AB-tsentr) otmechayut, chto s nachala tekushchego goda naibol'shiy rost tsen v roznitse zafiksirovan u svekly (+60%), kartofelya (+40,9%), yablok (+42,4%) i kapusty (+16%). V to zhe vremya tseny na morkov' podnyalis' vsego na 0,2%, a na luk snizilis' na 26%. V «Rusprodsoyuze» takzhe ukazali na snizheniye optovykh tsen na ovoshchi, chto svyazano s uvelicheniyem predlozheniya novogo urozhaya. Naprimer, srednyaya optovaya tsena na morkov' snizilas' za nedelyu na 3,2% i za mesyats na 8,7%, a na stolovuyu sveklu — na 13,4% za nedelyu i na 26,8% za mesyats. Eksperty vyrazili nadezhdu, chto situatsiya na rynke ovoshchey prodolzhit uluchshat'sya s poyavleniyem novykh postavok. Odnako Tsentr makroekonomicheskogo analiza i kratkosrochnogo prognozirovaniya (TSMAKP) vyrazil obespokoyennost' po povodu rosta tsen na plodoovoshchnuyu produktsiyu. V ikh analiticheskoy zapiske podcherknuto, chto uskorennoye udorozhaniye ovoshchey i fruktov stalo odnoy iz osnovnykh prichin skachka inflyatsii v Rossii. V TSMAKP otmechayut, chto s poyavleniyem novogo urozhaya, kotoryy ozhidayetsya k kontsu iyulya — nachalu avgusta, mozhno ozhidat' sezonnogo snizheniya tsen na plodoovoshchnuyu produktsiyu. Tem ne meneye, v dolgosrochnoy perspektive neobkhodimo reshat' fundamental'nyye problemy, takiye kak nekhvatka moshchnostey po khraneniyu, otsutstviye sistemy strakhovaniya urozhaya i neobkhodimost' razvitiya teplichnogo khozyaystva, govorit avtor analiticheskoy zapiski, rukovoditel' napravleniya analiza i prognozirovaniya makroekonomicheskikh protsessov TSMAKP Dmitriy Belousov. Raneye ekonomist ob"yasnil priznaniye Rossii stranoy s vysokim urovnem dokhodov, a takzhe platezhnyye slozhnosti v transgranichnoy torgovle sokratili tovarnyy assortiment rossiyskikh marketpleysov.
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Since the beginning of the year, prices for beets have increased by 92.3% to 70 rubles per kilogram, for carrots - by 62.8% to 70 rubles per kilogram, and for apples - by 30% to 159.8 rubles per kilogram, Izvestia writes "with reference to the Association. These data are consistent with official statistics from Rosstat, which also notes a significant increase in prices for other vegetable crops, such as potatoes (by 82.4%) and cabbage (by 35%), as well as onions (by 32%). The Expert Analytical Center for Agribusiness (AB-Center) notes that since the beginning of this year, the largest increase in retail prices has been recorded for beets (+60%), potatoes (+40.9%), apples (+42.4%) and cabbage (+16%). At the same time, prices for carrots increased by only 0.2%, and prices for onions decreased by 26%. Rusprodsoyuz also pointed to a decrease in wholesale prices for vegetables, which is associated with an increase in the supply of the new crop. For example, the average wholesale price for carrots decreased by 3.2% over the week and by 8.7% over the month, and for table beets - by 13.4% over the week and by 26.8% over the month. Experts expressed hope that the situation on the vegetable market will continue to improve with the arrival of new supplies. However, the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (CMACF) expressed concern about rising prices for fruits and vegetables. Their analytical note emphasizes that the accelerated rise in prices for vegetables and fruits has become one of the main reasons for the jump in inflation in Russia. The CMACP notes that with the advent of the new harvest, which is expected by the end of July - beginning of August, a seasonal decline in prices for fruits and vegetables can be expected. However, in the long term, it is necessary to solve fundamental problems, such as the lack of storage capacity, the lack of a crop insurance system and the need to develop greenhouse farming, says the author of the analytical note, head of the analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic processes at TsMAKP Dmitry Belousov. Earlier, the economist explained that Russia’s recognition as a high-income country, as well as payment difficulties in cross-border trade, have reduced the product range of Russian marketplaces.