Auto28.07.2023 - 12:07

New cars in Russia have gone up in price by 3% since the beginning of the year

Data from December 2022 through June 2023 was shared by Rosstat.

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According to Rosstat, from December 2022 to June 2023, the average cost of cars in Russia increased by 3%. This growth exceeded the consumer price index for goods and services in general, which amounted to 2.76% in the first half of the year, writes Autonews.

However, it is worth noting that last year car prices rose in price much faster. For the period from January to December 2022, inflation for vehicles then amounted to 24%, and foreign brands rose in price even more strongly - by 40%. In 2021, car prices in the country rose by 14.48%.

Interestingly, in the current 2023 year, the rise in car prices was uneven. For example, new foreign brands for six months rose in price by only 0.78%, while the average cost of domestic cars rose by 4.46%.

Experts and market participants predict an acceleration in the growth of car prices by the end of the year. This is due to the weakening of the ruble - since the beginning of the year, the dollar exchange rate has increased from 70 to 90 rubles, as well as the increase in the utilization fee, the rate of which will increase from August 1. Domestic automakers will feel the consequences of this growth less, as the state compensates them for this fee depending on the level of localization of their production.
