British researchers have identified the reason why hybrids and electric cars are more likely to cause accidents than fuel cars. Interestingly, pedestrians were the injured party in all accidents.
A distinctive feature of accidents caused by hybrids and electric cars, British experts called the indispensable participation of pedestrians, it became known Scientists are based on statistics, saying that these vehicles 2-3 times more often hit pedestrians than fuel cars. As has become known, the results of the study its authors from the state university "London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine" published in the authoritative scientific publication Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
The scientists' conclusions were unexpected. Especially traumatic ecological transport predictably turned out to be in the city limits, where there are more pedestrians. The main reason experts called ...quiet operation of electric motors, because of which passers-by refused to notice the car until the last moment.
The authors supported their version with a detailed disclosure of statistics. The data showed that the bulk of accidents were committed when turning, reversing, starting, parking - only 50% more often than cars with internal combustion engines.
Other assumptions were also considered. In particular, one of the reasons could be the youth and inexperience of drivers aged 18 to 24. According to the same statistics, it is this age group that is more inclined to buy electric cars and hybrids.
Alexander Kholodov, a Russian auto expert, member of the Public Chamber, deputy chairman of the commission on security and interaction with the DNC, has a different opinion. Kholodov explained to the news agency that the statistics somewhat confuse cause and effect.
"I think that it is hardly about the cars themselves and their 'noiselessness'. In places where car and pedestrian flows intersect, i.e. crosswalks, there is no need to hear a car there, pedestrians already have an advantage.
That is why I believe that the accident statistics are most likely due to the fact that electric cars are preferred by people who, conditionally speaking, like to drive. Specialists know that such cars have a much faster acceleration than gasoline or diesel cars, that's why they are chosen by the corresponding "drivers", and the quiet operation of the engine has absolutely nothing to do with it", - says the auto expert.