Society30.12.2022 - 14:49

Reddit users are not happy about opening the borders with the PRC because the Chinese are carrying COVID-19

In addition, the Chinese were accused of being rude and untidy and reminded that they are not considered the worst tourists in the world for nothing.

Фото: from open sources

There was a discussion among Reddit forum users on the issue of opening the borders of China and Chinese tourists going to scatter around the world. Users from different countries noted that they didn't want to get infected with covid.

One commenter stated that the Chinese are still carriers of COVID-19 and that half of the tourists arriving in Italy test positive for covid.

Other users said they don't want Chinese travelers to return, but there were also those who were positive about the opening of borders with the PRC and look forward to their expenses.

"With or without covid, the PRC is not welcome," said one user emphatically.

In addition, the Chinese were impugned as rude and untidy and reminded that they are not considered the worst tourists in the world for nothing.
