Society22.12.2022 - 13:30

34% of Russians want to have two children

A survey by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives showed how many Russians want to have children.


The authors of a study by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) asked Russians to answer the question about the maximum number of children you would like to have when planning a family.

34% of Russian residents want two children, 26% plan to have three children. 14% of respondents want to have four or more children.

At the same time, 10% of respondents plan to have only one child, and 4% chose the option "as many as possible".

5% of Russians do not intend to have children at all, says RIA Novosti.

According to the study, 66% of Russians do not exclude that under certain circumstances, they could create a large family. However, they are constrained by an insufficiently high level of income, housing and financial problems, and lack of confidence in the support of their partner and the state.

The authors of the study noted that Russian residents are not well aware of the measures of state support to increase the birth rate; in particular, young people under the age of 35 do not know about it.

The study was conducted in October this year among adult Russians in 77 regions of the country through a telephone survey. A total of 1.8 thousand people participated.
