Science21.06.2023 - 13:37

Scientists taught AI to determine, with 97% accuracy, which song will be a hit

Music labels plan to use AI in the future to identify songs that will become hits.

Фото: from open sources

A study conducted by scientists from Claremont Graduate University has revealed the ability of artificial intelligence to determine which song will become a hit in the future and which will not appeal to listeners.

As part of their study, experts gave 33 volunteers to listen to music and recorded their brain signals, measuring with sensors the activity of the brain departments responsible for mood and energy levels. After that the data was used to analyze the music, using machine learning models.

The accuracy of determining the future hit was 97%.

Moreover, the study showed that the AI has already reached such a level of development that it can compose songs on its own, according to Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.

Recall, earlier it was reported that American scientists have developed a neural network that can recognize human feelings. The authors of the development were specialists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
