Science17.07.2023 - 13:09

Japanese scientists said that half a kilo of strawberries protects against fat deposits

Scientists have calculated how many strawberries you should eat daily to avoid factors that increase your risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Фото: from open sources

Scientists have discovered an unexpected benefit of strawberries, which was not previously known. Thus, according to specialists from Setsunan University in Japan, 500 grams of strawberries can help protect the body from fatty deposits that cause heart attacks and strokes.

According to Nutritional Science, the benefits of strawberries are noticeable as soon as an hour after consumption. The experiment, conducted with the participation of 23 volunteers, showed that the daily consumption of 500 grams of strawberry puree or sweet drink with strawberry flavor, reduce the signs of formation of "harmful" cholesterol.

At the same time, the effect came in an hour and persisted for four hours after.

Earlier medic Tatiana Solntseva told about the useful properties of berries.
