Science14.03.2024 - 13:16

Microplastics in humans accumulate most in the upper respiratory tract

Scientists have already estimated that every hour a person inhales an average of about 16.2 fragments of plastic trash less than five millimeters in size.

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The University of New South Wales (Australia) has found out where microplastic is most likely to be deposited when its particles are inhaled.

Scientists traced the movement of plastic debris particles using a computer model and it turned out that microplastic, the largest fragments, is more often deposited in the upper respiratory tract, the nasal cavity and the back of the throat. The study is published in the scientific journal Physics of Fluids.

Microplastics can carry viruses, dangerous chemicals, and bacteria. It has not yet been thoroughly studied how it harms the human body.

But in mice, it causes intestinal inflammation, reduced fertility.

Nanoplastic deposited in blood vessels can cause heart attacks and strokes. Scientists have discovered that microplastics are even found in clouds.
