The dangerous animal was stopped because of an ordinary plastic hairpin. The woman narrowly escaped death.
A Canadian resident nearly fell victim to a fearsome bear during a traditional jog.
The woman was jogging past a campsite when she caught a glimpse of the animal nearby.
During the run, the victim was not alone, but with her dog.
Sensing something wrong, the pet wanted to rush to the attack, and that's what made the grizzly angry.
The predator did injure the woman, but things could have ended worse if not for one accidental nuance.
As the bear clawed at the story's heroine's head, it caught a plastic hair clip in her hair with its teeth.
The clip went into the predator's mouth and burst inside - thanks to this distraction, the woman was able to escape the scene and save her life.
"I don't blame the bears, myself or the dog. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," the woman admitted.
It was specified that after the incident, three bears in that area were destroyed, and tourists were temporarily banned from entering.