Health16.12.2021 - 12:36

Melting glaciers are fueling many new diseases

Scientists are sounding the alarm about global warming.

Фото: Meteovisti

The Earth's climate is changing, now it cannot be denied. The increase in temperature on the planet creates the preconditions for the transmission of infectious diseases such as malaria, fever, tick-borne encephalitis in regions where until now they could not spread due to the harsh climate, experts of the Quora portal said.

Experts note that warming is a potential ally of many ailments. Over the long history, the soils of cold regions have retained many pathogenic microbes. Therefore, climate change in the overwhelming majority of cases is fraught with negative consequences.

Global warming does affect human health. But everyone can take care of themselves. Doctors recommend not to forget about a healthy lifestyle: eat right, do moderate physical activity and give up cigarettes and alcohol. This will help the body fight disease-causing microbes more effectively.
