Irina Lyalina, acting dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the State University of Education, told why the fascination with fast food leads to problems with joints and bones.
Among the causes of brittle bones and weak joints, the scientist named the abuse of fast food. Lyalina explained that such food, as a rule, does not contain calcium, vitamins and trace elements to strengthen bones and joints. She recommended including more fish, fermented milk products and sesame seeds in the diet to keep joints and bones healthy.
In a conversation with Izvestia, the expert emphasized that a fondness for fast food usually leads to excess weight gain. And each extra kilogram on the sides increases the load on the knees by 3-4 kilograms.
The weight puts pressure on the hip and knee support joints, and the rest of the joints and bones suffer as well.
An additional destructive element is the substances produced by the abnormal adipose tissue. They get into the blood, and from there into the joints, depleting them.
Earlier, nutritionist Tatiana Zharovskaya called products "taking away strength".
And pediatrician Anastasia Sinitsina compared fast food to a drug.