Health06.12.2023 - 14:53

Scientists disproved the benefit of vitamin D in bone fracture therapy

Researchers found no association between vitamin D intake and prevention of bone fractures in children deficient in the vitamin.

Фото: from open sources

Scientists have stated that there is no link between the intake of vitamin D and the prevention of bone fracture in children with its deficiency. Such data have led scientists from Queen Mary University of London and Harvard School of Public Health.

According to the material published in the journal The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, supplements do not increase bone strength. The claim is supported by research involving 8,851 schoolchildren aged 6-13 years living in Mongolia. 95.5% of the children were vitamin D deficient.

They received a weekly oral dose of vitamin D for three years, but this had no effect on fracture risk or bone strength measured by ultrasound.

Therefore, the scientists said that children should be given not only vitamin D but also calcium to prevent bone fractures. At the same time, the vitamins should be taken at the same time.
