Economy10.06.2022 - 11:17

Tinkoff Bank introduces a monthly fee of 1% for foreign currency accounts

Больше новостей в сюжете: Санкции и контрсанкции

Starting from June 23, the commission on foreign currency accounts of Tinkoff Bank will be 1% per month, subject to a balance of more than one thousand conventional units in the currency of the account. As specified, the commission will be deducted every day.

Фото: from open sources

The innovations, according to the bank's Telegram channel, will apply to card accounts in US dollars, euros, as well as pounds sterling and Swiss francs.

This measure is explained with the "unreliability of foreign partners" in terms of work with currency for the Russian Federation, which seek to downgrade the currency position of Tinkoff Bank.

Also, for more convenient use, the bank decided to cancel until June 30 the commission for SWIFT-transfers, increased on June 6.

In addition, it is reported about another innovation of the bank: bank customers will be able to open a savings account only in Russian rubles from June 23. As for the current savings accounts in dollars and euros, they will be closed. Funds stored on them will be transferred to accounts in the same currencies.
